Our Talent Vetting Process

Our general process when talent wants to achieve vetted status on Hire Talent involves a few things.

Here’s what we focus on:

  • NBI Clearance: We require talent to provide a valid NBI (National Bureau of Investigation) clearance to ensure they have no criminal record or pending cases. This is required before we consider anything else.

  • School Vetting: We verify the educational background of talent by contacting their listed schools and universities. This allows us to confirm their degrees, certifications, and academic achievements. Having a university background is not required to get vetted, but if someone claims they do, it will be confirmed through this process.

  • Employer Vetting: We contact the previous employers mentioned by talent to validate their work history, job titles, and employment dates. Previous employment is a good indicator of a talent’s likelihood of success in their next role.

  • Personal Vetting: We interview talent to gauge their communication skills, professionalism, and overall fit for getting vetted. While not all jobs require these skills, we believe talent should be well-rounded.

  • Internet Speed: We have talent test their internet speed live during a call. A minimum upload and download speed is required to be marked as vetted.

  • Skill Assessment: During our skill interview, potential talent will share their screen and camera, take a verbally assessed quiz (based on their primary skill), and tell us about their past professional experience. Each quiz has different questions, varies in length, is tailored to talent, and doesn’t have the same passing score.

We won’t reveal what combination of the above is necessary for our talent to achieve vetted status, as it varies based on skill, experience, and industry. We will only reward this status to talent that has demonstrated they would be a great hire (as if we were to hire them internally for our own company). We also take account skill level relative to others that have been vetted for the same skill.

At this time, a vetted account status will last indefinitely. We plan on introducing a re-verification process every 2 years sometime in the future which will require some minor updates.

Regardless, we are proud to have the strictest vetting process currently available for outsourced talent in the Philippines. If you are worried about hiring talent in the Philippines, ensure you only search for vetted employees.