Talent FAQs | HireTalent.ph

Talent/Employee FAQs

Browse all our commonly asked questions for job seekers

How are you different from other online job sites?

We're different because we have a strict system for filtering employers. Many places try to scam Fil...

What's the difference between workers and talent?

These two terms are basically the same. However, we think talent recognizes a potential employee for...

Do I have to pay to get a job?

No, never. Joining HireTalent.ph is 100% free. Potential employers SHOULD NOT ask you to send money ...

What are the requirements for signing up?

You must submit a photo of a valid government ID with a photo and a selfie holding your ID. You shou...

How can I register?

To register, you must create an account and fill in your full name, birth date, address, job title, ...

Should I give you my phone number?

No, we don't ask talent for their phone numbers. We believe that your social media link, ID photo, a...

Do you keep our ID photo and Selfie for life?

No, we don't. We delete ID photos and selfies no later than 7 days after you've been verified. For t...

What is a Vetted talent? What are its benefits?

A vetted talent is a talent that has been subjected to evaluation and checked for accuracy and suita...

How does the Vetting Process work?

Our vetting process works by checking your latest NBI clearance, verifying your last employer and sc...

How can I become a Vetted talent?

Any Verified talent can apply to become vetted. Once logged in, click your profile photo on the uppe...

Can I still apply for Vetting if I Fail the Skill Assessment?

Yes, you can, but it depends on your score. We'll let you know how soon you can apply to get vetted ...

Can I still apply for jobs if my Vetting Application is rejected?

If your Vetting Application was rejected because you failed the quiz, you will remain a Verified tal...

I'm a Filipino living/working abroad. Can I still join?

Yes, you can register for the platform as long as you can prove you are Filipino and have completed ...

Will my account expire?

No, job seeker accounts don't expire. However, your account will be marked inactive if you haven't l...

Can I have multiple accounts?

No, you can only have one account. Allowing multiple accounts is not allowed. If you were banned, yo...

I accidentally registered as an Employer. What should I do?

If you're a job seeker but accidentally registered as an employer, please email us at hello@hiretale...

My account has been deactivated. What should I do?

If your account was deactivated because of something you did, you'll have an email explaining why an...

Can I switch from Talent to Employer?

No. They are two different accounts with different functionality. If you are an employer, please sig...

How can I search for a job vacancy?

When jobs are posted, you can search using various criteria to find what best suits you. Aside from ...

Can I apply for multiple jobs?

Yes, you can apply for multiple jobs and work multiple jobs at the same time as long as they don't c...

How can employers contact me or reply to my job application?

Any potential employers will contact you through our messaging system if they are interested in your...

How much will I get paid?

Your pay depends on your employer and your skills. The amount of time you work, salary, payment fees...

How do I get paid, and when?

Employers usually discuss these matters during the interview process. Make sure you understand their...

What is the W-8BEN form, and how do I fill it out?

W-8BEN is helpful for US employers' tax purposes. You will likely be asked to download and fill it o...

I'm new to working online. Can you give me some tips?

There are jobs for every role and skill level, but you have a much higher chance of getting noticed ...

I'm not a college graduate. Are there jobs for me?

Absolutely. Many online jobs don't require a college degree, depending on the task and scope of work...

I'm a senior citizen. Can I still get hired?

Yes, you can. There are work-from-home jobs for senior citizens and retired employees. Age doesn't i...

What is a Trust Score?

We've come up with an internal measurement to showcase to employers how trustworthy a potential empl...

I have a high Trust Score but still couldn't land a job, why?

Ultimately we don't have a say in why you weren't hired. You might just not be the best fit for a ro...

Will I get banned if I lie on my profile?

Yes, you will be permanently banned if you are caught lying on your profile. We are extremely strict...

How do you screen employers?

We screen employers by requiring them to submit their full name, photo, and email address. If they a...

How can I check if an employer is legit?

You can check if an employer is legit by searching their company. If they are solid and truth-worthy...

Can I report an employer?

Yes, you can report an employer to us. Please email us at hello@hiretalent.ph with a detailed accoun...

Can I report a suspicious job listing?

Yes, you can report a suspicious job listing to us. Please email us at hello@hiretalent.ph with a li...

Why are some job listings deactivated?

A deactivated job listing means that the employer has hired someone for it or it has violated our ru...

Can I communicate with an employer outside HireTalent.ph?

Yes, you can communicate with an employer outside of the platform. But if you find something suspici...

Do employers use time-tracking software?

This is really going to be up to the job you are applying for. Some types will, some won't. It's goi...

Can an employer leave reviews on my profile? If so, where can I see it?

Yes. This feature is coming soon....

How do you prevent my personal data from being stolen?

We don't share any sensitive data with employers. We only keep them internally for verification purp...

What can employers see on my profile?

Employees can see everything on your profile except your home address, email address, and social med...

How can I avoid work-from-home job scams?

To avoid job scams, avoid those that are too good to be true and employers asking for money. Job det...

I went AWOL due to a personal emergency. Can I be hired again?

Yes, you can still get hired after going AWOL (Absent Without Leave) or disappearing without notice....

If there are disputes, how do you handle them?

Currently, all disputes are between the employer and the employee. We don't mediate disputes from a ...

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes! If you refer other talent to our platform (internally), you'll get job points, which can be exc...

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